Live in Care

Our Services

Unlock Your Live in Care Solutions

Bathing, and showering

Helping Bathing, and showering

Stanley social care help you to get bathing and showering beacuse for yor cleaing. Senior citigen get more priority for asssistance.

Supervision of medication

Super Supervision of medication

Live In Care produces the most consistent and stable caring environment. If any supervision and medication neededwe give our best.

Support with aids

Support with aids and appliances

Need any king of aid or medicine, we can assure you providing best support. Professional peaple help to get assistance.

Dressing and undressing

Care with Dressing and undressing

Our Live In Care highly trained Caregivers have the experience and expertise to provide the highest quality in home care services for you.

Mobility and Transfers

Assisting mobility and transfers

This can be a cost-effective alternative to long or short stays in residential care or nursing homes. You can move anywhere in the UK.

Eating and Drinking

Assistance eating and drinking

The benefit of being in one’s own home is that regular routines such as mealtimes and drinking are maintained. 

Empowering Your Live in Care Thinking

Our Live-In Care Service offers you a high level of flexibility from simple things such as, choosing your meals and watching your favourite programmes on television, through to having the freedom to be active each day knowing there is someone there to support your care requirements.  Many people with long term conditions prefer to stay in their own home as much as possible rather than move into residential or nursing care.